What Causes Insomnia in Children?

By Brandon Peters, MD

Children are often the perfect sleepers, but when they are not, what causes insomnia in children? Insomnia is the inability to fall or stay asleep or sleep that is not restorative. The causes of insomnia in children may overlap with adults, but there are also some unique conditions that may predispose your child to difficulty sleeping.

How Behavioral Problems Result in Insomnia

Perhaps the most common and frustrating of the causes of insomnia are difficulties related to your child’s behavior. Babies and toddlers may enjoy being comforted as they transition to sleep, but if they awaken and you are not there, this can be a source of great distress. This may result in frequent tearful tantrums in the middle of the night. This sleep-onset behavioral insomnia is remedied by letting your child fall asleep alone.

Another potential problem is toddlers and young children who refuse to go to bed. They will insist on a litany of needs prior to going to sleep: a drink of water, a trip to the bathroom, another bedtime story, a few more minutes with the light on, and the list goes on. This limit-setting insomnia is overcome by setting appropriate boundaries and asserting parental authority.

Moreover, children need to have a set of healthy sleep habits and a bedtime routine that will ensure a smooth transition to sleep. This includes appropriate sleep hygiene, which eliminates disruptions to sleep and makes the period of time just prior to falling asleep a time of relaxation. In addition, many distractions should be eliminated from the bedroom to ensure an appropriate sleep environment.

The Role of Medical Problems

There are a number of medical problems -- including neurologic and psychiatric conditions -- that may lead to insomnia in children. In general, these are rare disorders and other signs would exist beyond insomnia. Some of the possibilities include:

  • Depression

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • Autism

  • Asperger syndrome

In addition, some children (especially teenagers) may have circadian rhythm disorders such as delayed sleep phase syndrome that result in insomnia. These conditions lead to difficulties falling asleep at night and a desire to oversleep in the morning. This occurs because the desired sleep phase is shifted later than is standard. This may interfere with school performance and some school districts are actually shifting the start times to allow teens to sleep in. The use of phototherapy and melatonin may also help to shift these troublesome sleep patterns.

Other Causes of Insomnia in Children

Aside from the causes described above, there are a few other possible situations that may result in insomnia in children. Some children may experience insomnia as the result of medication use, especially the use of stimulants in ADHD. Finally, precocious children (those who are intellectually gifted) often have insomnia.

If your child is having difficulty falling asleep, and simple changes to address behavioral causes are ineffective, you may want to speak to your pediatrician about exploring other possibilities to improve your child’s sleep.

Brandon Peters, MD, is the author of Sleep Through Insomnia, a neurology-trained sleep medicine specialist at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, and former adjunct lecturer at the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine.

Unraveling the Mystery: Why Does Your Heart Rate Spike During Sleep?

Sleep is a crucial aspect of our daily lives, allowing our bodies to rest, recover, and rejuvenate. However, for some individuals, the tranquility of sleep is disrupted by sudden spikes in heart rate. This phenomenon, known as sleep-related tachycardia, can be both bewildering and concerning. In this article, we will delve into the underlying reasons behind these nocturnal heart rate fluctuations and shed light on the potential causes and remedies.

The Basics of Heart Rate and Sleep

Before we delve into the reasons for heart rate spikes during sleep, it's essential to understand the fundamentals of heart rate regulation and the sleep cycle. The heart rate is a measure of how many times your heart beats per minute. During sleep, our body undergoes several stages, including light sleep, deep sleep, and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Each stage has a distinct impact on heart rate and other bodily functions.

Normal Heart Rate Variations During Sleep

Fluctuations in heart rate during sleep are normal and can be influenced by various factors, such as age, overall health, and physical fitness. Typically, the heart rate gradually decreases as you transition from wakefulness to deep sleep. During REM sleep, when vivid dreaming occurs, heart rate variability is higher, reflecting increased brain activity.

Causes of Heart Rate Spikes During Sleep

Sleep Apnea: One common cause of sleep-related tachycardia is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In this condition, the airway becomes partially or completely blocked during sleep, leading to breathing pauses and subsequent drops in oxygen levels. The body responds by increasing the heart rate to compensate for the reduced oxygen supply as the brainstem triggers a release of cortisol to trigger an awakening and restored breathing.

Nightmares and Sleep Disorders: Intense nightmares, night terrors, or other sleep disorders can trigger a sudden spike in heart rate. These conditions can activate the body's "fight or flight" response, part of the autonomic nervous system, causing an adrenaline rush and increased heart rate.

Anxiety and Stress: Persistent anxiety and stress can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to an increased heart rate during sleep. The mind-body connection plays a significant role in regulating heart rate, and heightened emotional states can result in physiological changes, including elevated heart rate.

Medications and Stimulants: Certain medications, such as beta-blockers or stimulants like caffeine or nicotine, can interfere with sleep and cause an elevated heart rate during the night.

Potential Health Implications

While occasional heart rate spikes during sleep might not be cause for alarm, persistent or severe tachycardia (with a rate of 100 or more beats per minute) can be indicative of underlying health issues. Individuals experiencing recurrent episodes of elevated heart rate during sleep should consider consulting a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying conditions or identify appropriate treatment options.

Tips for Managing Sleep-Related Tachycardia

  1. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Establishing a regular sleep routine helps promote better sleep quality and reduces the likelihood of heart rate fluctuations during sleep.

  2. Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment: Ensure your sleep environment is conducive to relaxation, free from distractions, and kept at a comfortable temperature. Consider the role of light, noise, and other environmental disruptions (including a bed partner or pets).

  3. Practice Stress Reduction Techniques: Incorporating stress reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in a calming bedtime routine can help lower overall anxiety levels and promote better sleep.

  4. Avoid Substances: Limit the intake of substances such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, as they can interfere with sleep quality and contribute to heart rate irregularities.


While occasional spikes in heart rate during sleep can be a normal response to various factors, persistent or severe tachycardia during sleep should not be ignored. By understanding the potential causes and adopting healthy sleep habits, individuals can take proactive steps towards managing sleep-related heart rate fluctuations. If concerns persist or worsen, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable to ensure optimal sleep and overall well-being.

This article was created using OpenAI’s ChatGPT on July 8, 2023 and it was personally reviewed and edited by Brandon Peters, M.D. to ensure its accuracy. This use of augmented intelligence in this way allows the creation of health information that can be trusted.