sleep apnea

Am I Getting Older -- Or Am I Getting Sleep Apnea?

What if some of the problems so often associated with growing older didn’t need to occur? Better yet, what if some of these physical and mental impairments could be reversed? Consider the role of sleep apnea as an unexpected contributor to many ailments erroneously attributed to aging and the reversals possible with effective treatment. Read more from Dr. Peters on The Huffington Post.

Unexpected Midnight Snacks: A Case of Sleep Eating

A few months ago, I met with a woman in Stanford’s general sleep clinic who had a common complaint: restless sleep. However, upon further questioning, it became clear that she had a slightly more unusual problem. She had recurrent episodes of sleep-related eating.

Medications May Cause Dementia, But It Could Be Untreated Sleep Apnea

The news was enough to give you indigestion: Some of the over-the-counter and prescription medications most widely used to treat heartburn and acid reflux are linked to the development of dementia. The research suggesting a possible association is the latest in a string of implicated drugs over the past few years, including medications taken to treat anxiety, seizures, insomnia, and allergies. What is going on? Before emptying out the medicine cabinet, take a moment to consider the role of untreated obstructive sleep apnea. Discover more in this Huffington Post article by Dr. Peters.

You May Be Getting Up to Pee At Night Because of Sleep Apnea

Just like clockwork, it’s time to get up and pee again. If it seems like the bane of getting a continuous night of sleep in middle age and beyond, it may not have to be. Learn a surprising reason why you may have to wake to urinate at night and how improvement can occur without seeing a urologist, but a sleep specialist instead. Discover more in this Huffington Post article by Dr. Peters.

Get Help for Your Teen’s Sleep as School Begins

Poor sleep can profoundly affect the lives of teenagers. As summer draws to a close and school-aged children gear up to return to class, it is helpful to pause and recognize the importance of quality sleep. In order to achieve this, as this clinical case demonstrates, some youth may need help from a sleep specialist. Discover more in this Huffington Post article by Dr. Peters.

Can Your Nose Make You Fat?

It is an unusual thought, and one that is meant to be a little provocative. In a culture obsessed with both appearance and health, could there be an unlikely association between the two? Is it possible that your nose might not make you look fat, but could it actually make you become fat? In considering the matter, there is much to learn about the relationship between the body and its function as well as the role of quality sleep in proper metabolism. Discover more in this Huffington Post article by Dr. Peters.